Sitting on the Porch
As part of OilMan's back rehab I am trying to get him out for a proper walk every day. Ozzie still makes it down (and back up) our driveway and to the end of our street (either to the right or the left) but that hardly qualifies as a proper walk. Today we walked around the upper neighborhood, a couple of long blocks off Los Alamos behind our house. I'm not a huge fan of the garish ghosts and ghouls favored by some, but I did like this couple relaxing on the porch enjoying the warm, very unhalloween-like weather.
They were delivering a generator to our neighbor Mark's house this morning. It looked big enough to power his whole house and I had a moment of generator envy, but with a $5,000 price tag we decided we could stumble around in the dark quite a bit.
I'm still working on my housewarming gift of pillows...I'm on the second one now. The irony is not lost on me that Jerry and Mary's house burned down in the Tubbs fire, yet the power to their brand new house, in the same location as the old one, was not turned off. I'm trying to get the sewing machine part of my project finished so I can do the hand sewing if they turn off the power again....
It is 90º outside, just about 0 humidity and warm high winds are predicted. This is not terribly unusual for this time of year. I can remember following canyon fires that burned near our home in Southern California every summer when I was a child. Yet PG&E can only respond by turning off the power so their equipment doesn't start a fire.
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