Wonderful Emergency Service People

I left work at 7:10pm this evening feeling quite fed up that I was so late but still wanted to stop in on mom and dad to see how they were and how dad was before I head off on holiday.
I arrived to mom being in a bit of a panic thinking that I'd already left and them waiting for an ambulance for dad! Her phone wasn't working so wasn't able to get in touch with me.
The doc had been in at 6pm. Dad had a temp of 40c and she suspected pneumonia. She said she'd call for an ambulance but had to rush off to another patient. I waited another 40mins then decided to call again to investigate. One hadn't been called! So, we booked one at that point (8pm). A first responder came then apologised because no one had given him the full story and obviously an ambulance was needed to take dad to hospital. So , he called and requested one! They arrived about 9:45.
This photo is of all three ambulance people squeezed into dads room getting him ready to move.
All three of them were fantastic and took great care of dad.
Once they had gone. I cleaned up and followed on to the hospital. It was 11ish when dad arrived in the hospital. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. At 3am he was being wheeled away for a chest exray and being admitted so mom and I took our leave and went home.
4:45am I climbed into my bed. So glad I don't have kids tomorrow (today)!

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