Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

As chance would have it ...

We abandoned movie night. The Laundromat. Sometimes you just can’t hack a film that is so full of unpleasant characters. Plus Gary Oldman has a very dubious German Accent.

This did lead us to start a discussion about art and media in a world that has gone a bit crazy; when you watch a movie or a tv series you tend to want escapism but then you feel guilty about not facing up to stuff and trying to make the world better. 

We played cards instead. Kalooki. Great game.


This pulled us back from our depression. 

The Dizzle is having a great time in the Lake District. Nice to hear him so happy. For the rest of us it was just work, and in my case rather full on. Glad to have three days break now.

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