Fish Supper

This should have been in colour. I started playing around with photoshop but was talking to my friend and cooking the fish for our meal at the same time. A recipe for disaster!

The fish was delicious and my friend is now away but I still have much to do before I go to work. I'm off for a long girly weekend to Dorset and would like to be packed ready to leave as soon as I get home in the morning. I know from past experience, that it might not be easy to get an internet signal where I'm staying, so I may be doing a lot of catching up on Monday.

I've quickly turned what I've got on screen to black and white to hide the sins. It would have been better in colour had I had time.
Signal permitting you many see me tomorrow. If not, have a great weekend. If all goes well I might get snowed in before I come home. :) Such a hardship!

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