
By bekaboo

Profanity or sanity?

Well today has been a bit pants. Stuff has just decided to go kaput: my icloud/ laptop & both my vehicles (yes really!).

So it was a bit fortunate that my latest amazon book order arrived this morning with this little 'self help' gem. So far this is a good read - lighthearted and an amusing way to look at the world/ life / sanity and not a million miles away from my own 'f@@k it' attitude. The chapters on 'Say f@@k it to Parenting & Your Job will be read first. But here's a little excerpt that I reckon sums up what this book is about ~

"Life is made up for us of things that matter. Our value system is simply the things in the world that we've chosen to matter to us (or been handed by 'conditioning'). And the things that matter to us are the things we take seriously.

When we say F@@k It (and we usually do say it when the things that matter go tits up), we recognise that the thing that mattered to us doesn't matter so much.

F@@k It is the perfect Western expression of the Eastern spiritual ideas of letting go, giving up and relaxing our hold on things. The problem for most of us in the West - as stressed out, uptight, anxious and controlling as we are - is that we need something with the balls of an expression like F@@k It to jerk us into a more relaxed state.

...and doesn't involve any if the following:

Wearing sandals
Singing along to acoustic guitars
Developing a belief that you're right and everyone else is wrong
Killing people
Eating beans
Wearing orange
Rules "

** I was going to apologise for the badly concealed swear words, but one of the chapters is 'Say F@@k It to What Other People Think of You' :)))

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