The Dragon's tears.
We got early because j wanted to watch the Wales v South Africa rugby match, and I had to be ready by half time so that he could take me to the gym. There was no one at all I knew, and I didn't enjoy it at all. I watched the second half while I was doing the weights, but I was so disappointed with the final result. but it's only a game ( have you noticed, only people that lose say that? ) I walked home a different way, for a change, and saw this in the gallery window. It was a lovely walk home, and good to see the sun. J went to alter the clocks last night, and took the one down which is above our kitchen door. He walked away, but it fell on his head, and smashed onto the floor.. The air was blue, and I did get up to check his head wasn't bruised, but it was funny and yes, I did laugh.
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