Red Glasses

By redglasses


Taking photos of yourself is difficult. Taking photos of yourself when you're a wee bit scruffy and tired is even more difficult. I don't have a mirror in my bedroom, I think the only place they should be kept is in the bathroom, so you can see your teeth and wash your face. There and in cars. It's not some big statement, I just find that the more mirrors you have in your room, the more vain you tend to be. Whenever I've lived in private flats, often the placing of mirrors (and the dreaded mirrored wardrobe) is outwith my control, so you just have to lump it.

Vanity can be an asset, some people make a lot of money out of being beautiful and 'keeping up appearances', but when that vanity (perhaps it should have a different name in this case, the word seems to be a piece of loaded jargon these days) becomes an obsession, and society determines beauty according to the adorning of synthetic products, it is easy to lose sight of what beauty is, and what it should mean to people and, more importantly, to individuals.

Ugh, self-portraits make my head sore :(
Still, 'big step' plans tomorrow so less of this philosophical whinging.

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