Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Mud mud glorious mud

Or not so glorious actually. We really didn't need any more rain in the horses fields!

Hack out this morning with all three of my boys as Juliet and Diane came over. We had a canter. Jack went in front and Diane had a few issues with the brakes! I pulled lime up as realised they are both so competitive Jack was probably trying to out run him and the sound of him just behind was probably not helping. As soon as we stopped Jack slowed. I think it surprised Diane a bit. Eva is quite a way off being able to take him for a canter across the fields but a little worrying that an adult couldn't stop him!!

Home for lunch then had a customers dog to walk. Then Eva wanted to ride. Jack's face was hilarious when I got his tack out again but he was a very good boy and seemed to enjoy it and the extra pony nuts he got as a treat!

Family dog walk in the dark at 5.30pm. The Barretts are at a family do so we took Watson and Mabel as well for them. Busy Sunday. Lots of admin to do now whilst M makes a pie for dinner. Nom Nom.

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