
By seddon

'are you sure he's qualified for this...?!'

I slept better than I have in ages last night, only waking up once for a feed, and once because I'd rolled over right up to the side of the crib and got my arm stuck under me. Mummy didn't sleep very well though and was really not ready for Thomas coming into the bedroom at 6am to announce it was time to get up because mummy had forgotten to change the time on his clock!
We had a lazy morning and mummy gave me a long soak in an oilatum bath because my skin still isn't too good (mummy doesn't think this is because of our trial of the milk ladder - which so far so good seems to be going well - because I never used to have any issues with my skin).
We got to Nannie and grandpa's house in time for some cuddles for daddy before lunch. I've been a very happy girl this afternoon, playing on my mats and watching nannies fishes, practicing my fishy impression!
Uncle Sam gave me my tea (beef stew) before he went to get the train home to London. I look a bit sceptical on this picture, but I was happy enough, as long as I'm getting fed I'm not too bothered who's holding the spoon!!

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