Totally Kimmish

By kimmiekims

Dolly and the giant naan

Sorry for not keeping up with blips and commenting lately, there has been a lot going on and I’ve just been struggling to keep myself organised and motivated. Last week I had the results of the biopsies taken during my procedure a few months ago. Was fully expecting them to be normal as there was nothing visually wrong to see, however they came back showing signs of inflammatory bowel disease. I had a follow up today and the consultant is going to refer me on to the IBD team, he’s also arranging follow up scans and is going to start me on a treatment course of steroids, such fun. It’s not 100% what is the diagnosis yet, but the steroids will treat the inflammation present whilst I’m waiting for the other tests.

We went for a drive to Helensburgh after, a wander and curry for lunch cheered me up a bit. Had a nap with Spot when I got home, she’s going to the vet tomorrow to see about her lump(Friday’s blip).

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