A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Sunday nights are different now

No longer am I suffocated by anxiety about the week to come. The Sunday night fear is something many teachers experience. Along with not having time at the weekend to focus on things that keep you well.

Now, I set my timetable according to what Corin and I want to do. There’s lots of reorganising happening at home, partly as a result of James moving out a couple of months ago to move in with his girlfriend and to embark on his second year at university. I’m not sure how he grew up so quickly but I know I’m desperately proud of the man he’s become.

Anyway, Corin and I went for a muddy walk around Pennington Flash as the sun set. I need Wellington boots. As always, I took too many photos, but just before we got back into the luxury vehicle (Corin’s van!) a car pulled up and it’s headlights illuminated the swans on the flash. I like the ethereal quality of this.

Thanks for the welcome back yesterday. It was another step in getting myself back to being me and I’m so happy that familiar faces are still here x

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