Classic view

A number of photos today. Azalea leaves turning deep red; our new interim Minister at church at the start of the vacancy; big mushrooms on Blackford Hill when I took the dog for a walk; my long shadow with the setting sun. In the end I opted for this traditional view as the air was clear and the light good.

Living in Edinburgh you sometimes have to remind yourself that what we see daily is spectacular.

Most of the day in shorts and short sleeves as the sun was out of a clear sky and when the wind dropped it was really lovely. At this time of the year the sun does not hipster the back garden until later in the day so sat on the front step reading the Sunday papers.

Then tackled the muscular bramble entwined in the quince bush; the Russian vine and wisteria which had overgrown the quince bush, and reduced the height of the twisted hazel which has taken off over the past couple of years. Our neighbours are delighted as some Sunnis now getting into their garden. Stopped when the garden bin was overflowing. Popped into town to pick up an order for the aunt then back in time to be amazed at the new Attenborough programme.

After all these years I am better informed about elephant seal mating rituals; whales generating curtains of bubbles in decreasing circles to capture krill and so on. But the programme still astounded with photography on land, in the ocean and most of all from the air, and with facts about the impact of the climate changing (for whatever reason).

The fascinating but potentially tragic consequences of an albatross chick falling out of the nest was one of those moments when you will something to happen ( even though the outcome was filmed months ago).

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