
By Transitoire

Cervoise = pompette

Focusing on an eye.

Pompette is of course tipsy - I find this word so cute for some reason!

I started my day early, with my quatrième INTER, and we finished the film! I was so glad this class liked it, as even though I thought they would you never can be sure. As one of the students had missed the middle part of the film we spent the first fifteen minutes of the class describing to her what had I know that doesn't sound like much of an achievement...but it is a bit of one when you know that I did none of the talking and I didn't even lead the discussion! The quieter student is really gaining in confidence now, and she was one of the more vocal ones in those minutes. Brilliant! Also a moment of sadness for me, as I found out that this was the last day at Henri Brunet for one of these students as her family is moving away to Nantes. It is a real shame, and I am so surprised how close I have become to all the students in such a short amount of time...but this is the first time that it has actually become clear to me in such a harsh way.

My other hour for today consisted of a troisième EURO conversation club that they asked me to start. How great is that?! Whether it is because they want to come inside out of the cold or whether they are just that motivated I will never know. So I started the hour with, well, what is says on the tin...conversation. In particular what they wanted to do in terms of a club, in terms of conversation topics, and in the way that they want to learn new things. Really really informative and I'm looking forward to getting it established and seeing how many students I will end up with...although I've been told I have to cap the numbers at some point, but I hope that isn't going to be too low as I would love as many people as possible to join in!

With an afternoon at leisure and the sun shining on Normandy, I decided I needed to stay organised some exploration of Caen Château and its walls. Of course, as this was a spontaneous decision, I had not brought my camera with me...hence my plans for tomorrow to go back and take the picture I spotted today! The castle walls are pretty much the highest vantage point in the city, and you really can get a sense of scale from up there...and see the clearly defined old and new quarters. Thomas really dislikes the look of the new quarters, but I don't actually find them too offensive...probably because I have seen some of the high-rises of Britain!

My evening was spent with the gorgeous Dana (pictured above). I'm lucky that everyone is so patient with me continuously pushing a lens into their face until I have a Blipworthy photograph, and Dana is no exception! So I can only thank her for her patience as she's trying to tell me about her week and I'm just there taking pictures of her! We drank rather a lot of cervoise, and ended up very jolly...nothing better! Our usual haunt of Café Latin did not disappoint on the music front either, we were rather tempted to make a night of it and go out, but with two nights out in the pipeline I decided it might be better if I went home to get some sleep.

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