Under the Bridge

I went into Teignmouth this afternoon and stopped near Shaldon Bridge. The tide was low enough to get out under a very low gulley below the railway to get out on the foreshore. I went upriver a short way and under Shaldon Bridge. I was taken by the way lumpy rocks remaining on the wall protecting the railway and got down low so I could use this concrete ramp as a lead in. The pebbles are quite colourful so I've increased the saturation on this part to bring out the colours a little. I thought it might be a mono day so I'm pleased to have a little colour.

I headed back as the tide was on its way in but the little stream that comes through the gully was already quite swollen and it looked like wet feet time. I climbed up on some concrete reinforcement and was able to jump down into the tunnel to get through. Phew, cut that a bit too close!

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