
An hour before this shot all was well. Then she wasn’t - vet diagnosed ‘choke ‘ which can be very nasty - it’s an oesophageal blocking food bolus. Vet came straight out which was a such a relief as Daisy couldn’t drink/eat/was up/ down / obviously distressed and making weird noises in her throat while her neck muscles were spasming .
The young Greek god vet came - dazzled us with his smile and soothed us all with his gentle talking to Daisy. Proceeded to stripped down to his t shirt ( it’s minus 2 degrees and I have 5 layers on) think his huge biceps seem to keep him warm and certainly acted as very helpful diversion to proceedings- he sedated her and put the biggest nasogastric tube down ( it was garden hose sized & about 5 feet long ) and cleared the blockage . What came back in the tube looked like pieces of the rapeseed bedding from 2 days ago . After a slight bleeding nose all was well and she seemed quite happy in her dazed sedated haze . More than I was - home for a glass of wine and debrief . A very intense 90 mins !

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