horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Given I've got a modern MINI, as well as the little orange beastie, this may sound a little hypocritical, but I really can't stand the newest MINIS. Ours is now 8 years old, when they were still, just about, normal-sized cars. The latest version of our Clubman is now 30cm longer, and a fair bit wider. The hatch is now available as an ugly-looking 5-door. And then there's the Countryman, a bloated behemoth. I do make a habit of parking the wee one beside them....

Extra is the finished hare sketch from the last few days. In early in the morning, the car needed for carrying a whole load of stuff needed to exhibit the various pieces from various colleagues for the charity art auction I've set up. We're running for a week and a half, and already crested £600 in bids. Fingers crossed we can continue in that vein.

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