S'more Halloween Anyone?
Yesterday as I started to drift off to sleep, I got a text message from my mom that dad hasn't eaten or drank any water in 30 hours, that the doctors are in agreement to stop all his medications except for pain and cross our fingers - hopefully something will change for the good... he is up to 50 hours without anything...
I got up earlier than planned, made my delivery and didn't stop again till I got back into the yard at work. I did the minimum required of me and headed home. (I have an understanding boss that knows life happens and she let's her drivers do this on an occasional basis). A call from my sister and I talked to my mom - we are in agreement on care and that somebody will be with him during waking hours for the next week or until...
It was good to see him try and sing the music I was playing for awhile but mostly he slept. I and his caregiver made sure his lips stayed wet to prevent cracking. He was still refusing food and water though when I left. Looks to be a long week ahead...
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