The unforgiving minute...

By Melsimel

Work, Consume, Die

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

This week was never going to be easy.

I seem to have a lot of 'endings' coming up in the next few weeks.

I'm clearly rubbish at scheduling, because a smarter person than me would have started a new year with beginnings instead.

I struggle with the work/life balance ... but not in the way you might think. I love my work, and when you love what you do every day, then the balance is already in your favour. Your work is an important part of your life, not a necessary evil to be endured in between the bits where *real life* happens.

The struggle I've been having is the fact that my work takes me away from the Monkey. But it allows me to be who I am.

Guilt or resentment.
Not an easy choice - there has to be a balance.

Anyway - on a lighter note, I started the week knowing it would be the best I could do just to grab a few pictures. My goal was just not to miss a day.

Monday - I had to have a blood transfusion, and get ready for a work trip the following day, so I thought for my little blip, i'd pick a technique to practice. So this was me faffing with taking pictures in a fairly darkened spot, but with no flash.

The ceramic here is by a local artist, she's a pottery revolutionary :)

I have this on my work desk, next to a clock, and a picture of my Monkey - every now and then i'll catch a glance of the 3 of them together and it will stop me in my tracks.

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