
By wiizzz

New Glasses

Here's the study hall crew; we laugh a lot.

I got a 95 on my English quiz I took today which is good. I wanted the hundred but I'm more than happy with a 95. Angelica and I had a party in Espo's room during Christian and Christine's Spanish Speaking test. I was trying so hard not to crack up the entire time with them. Espo's phone started ringing in the middle of Christine's speaking and he had about a ten minute phone conversation. During Christian's speaking, Angelica and I were on art patrol, drawing pictures that made no sense and Espo looked at me like I was crazy (although I didn't question his logic). We left and I was sad to see that all of our artwork got erased during 9th period.

Track was SUPPOSED to be an easy 3 but it really was a fartlek in my book because there was a frequent change of pace. We did 6 strides but they were only 60 yards each.

I got my new glasses today and they're a little blurry. Hopefully I'll get used to them because I really don't want to get another eye exam. After that, the parents and I went to Subway and my dad and the guy got into a disagreement. My dad won, of course (he's a good negotiator). I had a Chicken Cutlet Parmesan sandwich on Italian herb bread and it was really good! Mom and Dad got Pastrami on wheat.

Tomorrow's the gym hockey playoff game and I have mixed feelings about it. May the best team (probably not us) win!!!

I did my homework and now I'm procrastinating from doing my lab. I don't want to color.


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