
By seddon

Partners in crime!

This morning mummy had been planning to get up and go to stockport after the school run to get some new boots, but daddy got up with Thomas and took him to school, so mummy and me stayed in bed for a little bit longer than normal (although we were both awake).
By the time we were breakfasted and dressed, I'd had my creams on, and had quite a long feed mummy decided to leave the shopping trip for another day and we stayed in and did some cooking and cleaning instead. I shouted any time mummy left the room.
Mummy and daddy are going away on Thursday for the night - the first time mummy will have left me - and she is getting a bit worried that I'm going to be a very grumpy girl for grandma because I'm being so clingy at the moment!
This afternoon jenna and isobel came round for a while. Me and isobel might look like butter wouldn't melt, but we are going to be trouble as we get bigger!!
Jenna and isobel walked to school to collect Thomas with me and mummy before they headed home.
I sat with Thomas whilst mummy finished making tea - we'd finished our teas by the time daddy got home - and then mummy gave me a bath before bedtime.

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