Deer Season
So excited to see more deer out and about now! Little late this year but it was also a great year for apples and berries, so I suppose they are staying deep in the woods longer. I could see the winter coat is in fashion once again....
I did spend about 30 minutes with EO this evening. I am now 99% sure that EO is a lady. She was sharing the little pond with another heron who was much larger with a longer beak. Regardless, she is very handsome and a little 'off'. But... when she is behaving, I do find her endearing (see video of her on FB). Of all the poses I took, I do like this one as it is different. She was wondering what the heck I was doing climbing through the trees to get a rear view.
20,000 steps later, I am exhausted and am simply happy that it is Hump Day tomorrow! Enjoy yours :))
D x
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