Green and Blue
This was for a brief time when wind stopped and everything looked grand, and then it started blowing again. The lake has probably got a little higher but now that the rain has stopped things will return to normal in a week or so. My Friend Peter had a grrreat adventure this morning as he biked the Millennium track and came to a flooded section by Edgewater but being a fearless and adventurous type, simply pedalled a bit harder, to bring back memories of youth no doubt, and found that the approaches to the bridge had been completely washed away and there was now a bicycle sized hole full of lake there. His lovely wife was not impressed when he dripped his way home after experiencing 'The Moment of truth'. The Boss was really sorry that he missed this as the resulting photo would have been entertaining for sure. AND he missed another one when The Boss and Bossess went walking with ME to the same spot to have a look. I was off lead and very enthusiastic and I could see the approaches were washed out BUT there was all this driftwood in the creek that made a grrreat bridge so I just leapt for it and promptly sank like a stone. The Boss looked quite panicky but once I started swimming I was soon out but covered in rubbish so he picked up a stick and chucked it in the lake and I had to swim out to it and got all cleaned up. I was already wet.
Talking of entertainment acyclinggranny organised a movie party this afternoon to "The Quartet". Anyone over 50 should not miss this. And the home made ice-creams that are a feature of this theatre were good too. The Boss had Baileys Irish Cream and white Chocolate. They come in lovely little pots with real spoons (returnable please).
We have a bit of a social weekend so comments may be a bit later than usual AND The Boss says I smell of wet dog and has chucked me out of his studio. What did he think I was going to smell of....?? For goodness sake!
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