Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Crescent moon

It's been a lovely day, though cold.  And it's even colder this evening.

Our "pond man" has been and today (after many months) has hopefully sorted out the problem with the water loss from the pond.  We shall try running it over the weekend and see what happens - he's coming back on Monday to do the final bits of work.  My photo was taken when we went out at dusk to see what the current "state of play" is - and I decided that there wasn't really anything photogenic about the almost finished project.

After our abortive attempt to join a U3A Spanish group, we've opted for some private Spanish lessons to try to stimulate our minds.  W has learnt a little Spanish previously, I haven't, but there are considerable similarities to French, so hopefully I'll be able to hold my own.  We have some homework.

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