welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Happy Heidi-ween

My bubba is 14!!!

Opened pressies early in the morning, she was particularly impressed by her new bin! (Joking!) I think her best reaction was to the Summer Holiday DVD sing-along edition. Yes, I do mean Cliff Richard’s musical... We went out for lunch to celebrate, and brought along a special guest...Bones. He had a lovely time;).

Helped Heidi get made up for Halloween. Watched Cici&Vik get super excited to go trick or treating. Went trick or treating and had a really good time. Cici&Vik hit the jackpot and had absolutely filled buckets of sweets! We happened across some amazingly well decorated houses, with live action scenes being played out. One featuring an old lady in a car - was truly terrifying. The little ones were a bit too scared to approach the door and rightly so, it took us all by surprise! Headed back home for birthday cookies and let Cici&Vik see to the last few trick or treaters. Definitely missed Joe today:( Hopefully next year he’ll be around for the spooktacular event!

Hope you had a wonderful birthday Heidi. I love you xx

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