
I do like the Boss BUT I think I might like Frida’s Boss even better ‘Cos she has more treats. She does the “Frida Come” thingie a lot but I usually get there first....thats good...We ( The Boss and Frida’s Boss and Frida and ME) had a dog meet today followed by a Coffee meet for the management. 
The Boss is putting Blip up earlier ‘Cos we are going to Queenstown to meet The Bossess who is coming on a Jet Plane rather than Leaving as sung by Peter Paul and Mary in the days way before I was even thought of and The “B’s” loved that group. The Boss says that digital music is grrreat as all this wonderful past is out there just waiting for your mouse.....
Listen to them here  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc-7SnMnX78
Oh and The Boss had a haircut this morning. In Wanaka you have to arrive 30 minutes before the joint opens or it will be an hour waiting BUT the thought for the day came from the Bloke that cut his hair and was discussing the world. He said......
It is the responsibility of everyone not to be an idiot.
Dogs were not mentioned however....

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