Drowning in Haze
There are bushfires several hundred kilometres north from here but atmospheric conditions have created a thick all pervading haze which extends from Sydney Harbour all the way up to us, in the Blue Mountains. Here a strongly filtered departing sun peers through the gloom while a misshapen tree trunk seems to cower before it in terror.
My congratulations to everyone who joined me in continuing to tag some strongly coloured blips with "OCB19" during October. When I last visited the OCB19 pages I found fully 31 of them, exploding with the vibrant colours from approximately 370 images.
As you know I wound up the "official challenge" after the first week because my system was not always able to show me the (then) expanding number of tagged images as and when I needed to see them. Nonetheless many folk did continue to chase strong colour and tag their images.
I reported the difficulty to Blipfoto which turned out to be a recurring problem that a number of blippers had previously highlighted. A lot of people suggested strategies for getting around the problem which I have tried to put into practice. Now the problem does still arise after longish sessions but by now I find that I have actually been able to visit most of the tagged images. I feel so encouraged, that in a few days time I shall attempt to select an additional 15 outstanding October Colour Blitz images for everyone to appreciate.
Please be aware that I may ultimately not be able to see EVERY tagged image and I apologise in advance for the fact that SOME great images may never have been seen by me during my selection process. In any event, thanks heaps for giving the exercise a go and I sincerely hope that you enjoyed it.
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