
By shedmonkey

This may not mean very much to any one else - but - I arrived home this evening to some mossy bits on my door mat.

They've come back! Yesssss!!

A couple of years ago, a bad storm loosened a tile on the roof, and last year a pair of Blue Tits took up residence in the gap it had created. At the same time, a new family arrived in the house next door but one - with two cats.

I worried about these cats.

One in particular took more than just a passing interest in my eaves, and would sit, tail twitchingly close to my front door, full of bad intent. The chicks hatched, the parents started their marathon feeding stints.

One morning - very early I was woken by a scraping thudding noise coming from the roof. The cat must have jumped up onto the shed, then onto the roof. With a heavy heart I looked, and sure enough - no sign of the parents, and a bit of debris hanging from the gap.

The neighbours - and two cats - moved house a couple of weeks ago - :-))

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