People on a Bridge

By zerohour


Remember what I said two days ago, about waiting 15 minutes for the weather to change in Mississippi? It did. It has been raining for the past two days.

The sky is heavy, low, and gray. Makes me want to stay in bed and sleep, but no such luck, gotta educate myself instead. Language and Thought is by far my favorite class this semester, mostly due to the professor. He has no need to prove his smarts, he makes this class all about the process, and all about the students doing the learning instead of him doing the teaching. We read, we post questions, we discuss the readings in class, we later evaluate the discussion and our contributions to it in writing. It is a fair amount of work for me, much more for him, but it works!!! I am learning, without torturous memorization, without exams and monumental papers at the end of the semester. Brilliant. This guy is my hero. This is the kind of professor I want to be when I teach.

Another interesting fact: the prof introduced himself by his first and last name, not as "Dr. Such and Such". He also didn't spend any time boasting about his credentials, but dove straight to work. Obviously, if anybody wants to, we can look up his CV on the university website. A wonderful example of an ego-less academic. Again, something to shoot for when I grow up.

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