
By SkiMe

Bike pedal blur

Another gray winter work day. I finally got the motivation up to jump on the rollers for 20 minutes at lunch. After starting back on the bicycle last January, it is coming much easier now and amazing the great jump forward with respect to last year.

I had my first MRI last night to look into the reason for shoulder pain and tingling in the fingers for the last many months. Wow, now that is a weird experience. All that tapping and thumping noise that makes you want to go insane. I was embroiled between wanting to laugh at times seeming so ridiculous and trying to stay still - and trying to overcome the strange feeling of being enclosed in the confining tunnel.

So... one week to wait for the results, and they better not tell me to stop cycling! I already stopped running for problems with back pain. Something's gotta give!

For today's blip, I played a bit at the end of riding the bicycle trainer. The NEX has a program to take 3 photos consecutively and then I superimposed them in Photoshop to get an idea of motion.

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