Viaduct in Carlisle...

Today was a really long day. Up at 4am to walk to the airport. I really am getting too old for this game; must remind myself not to book early flights again!
In Manchester by just after 8 o’clock and caught the 9.10 train to Carlisle with time to spare. The train was very quiet so a very pleasant journey.
My main aim in Carlisle was to find a tricky geocache. It was really the puzzle that was tricky but because it fitted nicely with my bellringing  it was really simple for me so I’d solved it easily at home. Finding the physical cache should have been the easy bit but because the viaduct road was closed it was a bit of a track around. But the cache was soon safely in hand.
So I could relax and have a look around.but I was pretty knackered so an early night was the order of the day.
Just two photographs taken all day. I must have been tired! This is Nelson Bridge near the cache.

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