
By Sonset25

A bit of a week

It's been a but of a week. Fell over last week and apart from a bruised elbow and knee seemed ok until last Saturday. While preparing dinner in the afternoon suddenly had the most searing, arresting pain on the left side of my face.  I've never experienced it before and on a scale of 1-least pain to 10-most pain, easily scored 9.  I took a couple of Nurofen and thought little of it until I was woken at night with another bout. Popped more pills and managed to sleep. 
A couple more bouts got me googling and reaching conclusion that it is trigeminal neuralgia.  Again googling decided a chiropractor could help so Tuesday, cycled the 20 mins journey to the practice. A thorough musculo-skeletal survey later and a letter for A&E later. Yes, A&E to rule out something sinister. Raced home, fed hound, made quick sandwich and caught bus to A&E.  Hours later  blood pressure checked-normal, temperature-normal, ears/eyes-normal saw a doctor who tested facial sensation-normal and sent me home.
Pain gradually easing to upper and lower jaw. Blipping not been on my mind much I'm afraid. Chiropractor rang to see how I got on at A&E.  GP and chiropractor appointments next week. Want to get back to normal.

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