In My Life...

By steeble


Firstly thank you for all the lovely comments lately, including those who just check my blips via facebook. :-)

As a fair few of you know I'm a hairdresser. Most hairdressers change their hairstyle every few month. I've had the same style for about 7 years, I've altered it slightly but always kept it fairly long. Today I had it all chopped off, its now just over an inch long. I can't tell you if I like it or not as I never like my hair. I don't like getting it cut either.... Think the last time I had it cut was the beginning of September.

So today I was going to blip me and my new hair but I'm not a fan of my own picture being taken and didn't care for any that I had taken. I did notice when looking through the pictures just how bloodshot my eyes are.... probably due to being up most of the night playing Black Ops Thought that this was a much better picture to take.

As usual I've named the blip after song.... its a song by Muse. In my opinion its one of the best solos in any songs ever. Also one of the most talented bands of our time. Amazing!

Hope you like....

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