My beautiful friend :-)

It is not easy being my friend on days like today.....

El and I meet on Friday afternoons after work whenever we is our catch-up time and a lovely way to start the weekend. I love these Friday coffees/or walks or whatever they happen to be....and today I decided that I wanted to Blip our Friday poor El very patiently tolerated me and my camera in the middle of a busy café - slightly embarrassing - I know :-) Im sorry El! But Blip has become the writing of my history and I want El and our Fridays to be part of it - it is one of those small details of my life that make me a happy person :-)

Crazy day at work getting the exams for next week ready - but they are done and it is now Friday eve....a whole weekend ahead of us - lovely! My thoughts are a bit scattered these days....a little here and little over on the other side of the city - also is good :-)

Have a good weekend everyone!

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