Enjoy it while it lasts

Yesterday was dire - well maybe not - I enjoy the wind, rain, waves. This morning wasn’t nice either, but an unexpected change in the last half an hour. Just look at that view! Haven’t checked the weather forecast, so I’ve no idea if it’s continuing.

I remember when I lived in Florence in my twenties, opening the window shutters when I woke up, and it was blue skies ..... again and again. Although I loved it there, I pined for the variety in weather we have here.

Have cleaned and oiled our window frames. What a difference that makes. They now glide to open and close. Just the kitchen to do, but they’re awkward to get to, Having fully recovered from my bad back, I don’t want to overdo things. Can wait for another day.

This is a week of new friends. Today we are having late Sunday lunch with a charming chap we’ve spoken to on many occasions (lives in London, but has a flat here too). And on Wednesday I’m meeting a delightful lady –met her and her husband at dinner during the week.

The only problem is we have eaten out so much I‘ll have a shock when my credit card statement arrives. Never mind we only live once.

Mr B returns from tennis soon. I’ll do a bit more tidying up and then get ready.

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