Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham

Trials and Tribulations with the City Car Club

I had a problem with my car booking today - no car to pick up!

The system said the wee Corsa on George Street was there, and free for the time I needed it. So off I trundled to the space (now in the centre of the street) where the car should have been. I get there and there is a huge a$$ Volvo XC90 where my wee car should have been. Calling the CCC (in the rain!) I was told it's been moved to Heriot Way - no such street, but wander to Heriot Row - Still no car there either.

So off I go back to George Street and call CCC again. Moan as I was getting soaked. Coz the wee Kia C'EEEED was available the man on the phone swapped my booking and I got that (after much faffing).

Personally, I hate this car. The gearbox is crap, the indicators/ wipers are the wrong way round and there generally isn't that much power to the car to move it along. But it got me to where I wanted and back (in relative comfort).

It will never beat my trip to Gourock, and getting stuck there with a City Car!

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