Foggy this am! x

What a foggy start to the day. Borras was covered in a thick blanket of fog as i left for work just after 7am this am. However by the time i started to climb up towards Brymbo it cleared and by 8.30am when we took the children outside in Breakfast club it was blue skies.
Busy this am getting through the group work and trying to get all the reading done before lunch. Just managed to finish all the readers before 12.10.
Think we have set a new class record. Great work Dounia! x
Service then Maths!!!! I'm sure they will get the hang of subtraction at some point!!!
Golden time and letters to go home then the bell.
Only 8 in club tonight so quiet,but the children had a great time making scrap books.
Home now and glad to remove my bra and put PJ'S on!! x

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