
By seddon

My first fireworks

I was quite a good girl overnight for grandma and grandad - I only woke twice for feeds and had some cuddles with grandad whilst grandma was getting my bottle sorted.
We took Thomas to school this morning in grandma's car and then headed straight to morrisons to do some shopping.
When we got back to grandma's we did some playing, and grandma taught me how to do high 5, which I think is very funny!
I had a little nap this afternoon and then found the remote control for the fire. This was apparently Thomas's favourite thing to play with at grandma's house too - who needs toys?!
Mummy and daddy should have been home in time to pick thomas up from school but the train was a bit delayed so me and grandma went to school incase they weren't back in time.
They got to school just before Thomas came out and so I got some cuddles with mummy before we walked home. I've had a lovely time with grandma and grandad, but I was also very happy to see mummy and daddy!!
This evening mummy and daddy took me and Thomas to see some fireworks at the cricket club. Mummy daddy and Thomas had been last year (with me in mummys tummy) and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately this year though it rained. A lot! We watched the little fireworks in torrential rain - I couldn't watch the flashes in the sky because I kept getting rain in my eyes! But I enjoyed what I saw. We went inside to wait for the big display, but Thomas got a bit tired and grumpy and I was falling asleep, so we went home to bed instead.

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