Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Corn and birds

We saw thousands of birds over this field so pulled over to get photos but I ended up liking this one the bed.   Corn is everywhere in Nebraska and I guess the birds love it for hiding and eating!   Yes, you read that right, we are in Nebraska and on our way home!!

This morning the hunter got up and then proceeded to tell me to pack up our stuff as he just did not think he could do the walking in the snow and soon to be mud as the snow melts that hunting required.  We were heading home.     His knee was really bothering him and his hip.   He was very sore all over from walking the five miles yesterday with a backpack and carrying his gun which is not lightweight.    He was exhausted and wondered why I was not.    (Well,  he also carries about 40 pounds of extra body weight that will be coming off starting when we get home! but I did not tell him that!! )  I was really concerned that he had to stop so much when we were walking to the location he wanted to hunt just to catch his breath.   I barely had to stop except on the uphill parts which were not too steep just hard to walk in the deep snow.  When he stopped it gave me time to take photos so I never minded the stops for him to catch his breath. 

I was a little sore this morning but no more than I usually am when I walk miles at home.    Thank goodness for keeping myself healthy and mobile after the ankle break.  

So here we are in Nebraska with the crazy time change and a time zone change!   It says 8pm but my body is saying it might be 10 or it could still be 7pm.  Crazy time!     I did   most of the driving today (about 6 hours) as the man just felt too sore and out of sorts to do it.  He did take a couple naps.     We will be stopping earlier tomorrow as I refuse to drive in the dark as we did tonight or let him drive in the dark when we don't know the roads.  I am sure that will go over really well.

We will have spent more time traveling to and from Colorado than the time we actually were in Colorado.   Really!!!!???  I love to travel but  I can see a battleground in the future for this kind of trip.   What a waste of time and money!  

But the scenery was really wonderful!  

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