Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

An Odd Sort Of Atlas

Up amongst the Carlsberg buildings and chimneys is a very oddly placed statue of Atlas that I'm quite sure no one ever notices. I've wanted to do him justice for a while now but never quite found the angle. I din't quite manage it tonight either..... the tall chimney is cut off a little and Mr A is over exposed. However I am delighted with the composition otherwise and generally happy the way it turned out.

The weight of over 9,000 views today is a little weird but it's the kind of exposure I want if I'm ever going to move forward with a career in photography as opposed to the knackering 8 hours of warehouse work I put up with today.

The views? .....I got an article on a local website Magasinet KBH. It's in Danish but basically says how wonderful Blip is and how awful I am at it.

Sponsors? ......... anyone?

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