In the paper!!!

Oh - Em - Gee

I am not sure what to write first.

This morning I led my first community choir. Its a brand new undertaking and only four people came. There has been very little publicity. I loved it though. It went really well. Going to try and drum up a bit more interest but overall I was really pleased with how they and I did. It was great fun!!!!

Secondly I took a picture of a peacock when I went to Sandwell Park Farm on Saturday. I did not post it to blip as I chose one of my children.

I did however send it to the local paper and look they published it. Really pleased!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently I am a talented local photographer.

Opposite is my great friend Kim Douglas who I mentioned a while ago in blip. She has been awarded a British Empire Medal for her services to asthma x

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