
By sleepyduck

Dead school

One of the things I want to do with these blips is capture some aspects of my surroundings as they are today, in the knowledge that they will change soon(ish). I don't know when this school was last a school, but I've lived nearby for 12 years and it hasn't been a school in all that time. It was bought by developers a few years ago and there was a flurry of activity last year: signs went up saying who was doing the development, workmen started tearing bits down. Then the activity stopped and the signs came down. I don't know if there is any activity there now. Bits of scaffolding appear on the street every now and then, then disappear... but nothing much seems to be happening. No doubt some luxury apartments will appear someday...

First day back at work today. Tired, sore and grumpy, but I made it through the day.

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