Leaf Girl

Na'iema was very unsure of why we were plunking her into this pile of leaves - she hasn't quite got the memo yet.  But in her usual easy going way, she made the best of it.  She loves when we throw them up in the air and let them rain down.  

Logan's home this week, taking a much needed few days off and spending time with her.  I think it's a good thing for all.  

The weather has turned decidedly cooler - we've had a frost, in fact a couple.  Summer is slowly getting put to bed for another long winter.  Need to find some winter activities to keep life interesting.

Apparently I've reached a milestone of 6 years worth of Blip photos.  It's taken me a little longer than 6 years but it has been an adventure and a joy. I'm grateful for this opportunity to focus on taking a photo on most days and finding joy in that and grateful to all of you for making it a warm and interesting place to make connections and learn new things.

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