Hidden gem
Sunshine! At last. Despite spending most of the night awake with some turmoil going on in my digestive tract, and an enforced lie in due to feeling too rubbish to get up, once I did get up the sunshine soon took away any tiredness. Mr B, left to his own devices for an hour in the morning, had come up with a long list of admin/telephone work for me - which sucked up most of the morning as I did battle with van hire. Here you hire vans from supermarkets, but it is the most tiresome process imaginable. Having found that with one supermarket I could do the admin on-line, I leapt at the chance. Only to find after half an hour of filling in forms that I then have to drive the 30km to the supermarket in question to show them my driving licence. Sigh. Back to square one.
Happily, the afternoon was filled with gardening - clearing out the iris bed that I failed to renovate last autumn and some more general weeding. I even found some radishes I'd forgotten about. And this slightly muddy flower hiding amongst the weeds. It looked rather lovely in black and white, but I couldn't suck the colours out of today.
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