You can’t see me!

Mr MIH shot in this morning when I opened the back door as it was raining outside at the time.
I was about to speak to my sister on the phone. She lives in Knaresborough, N.Yorkshire, so we do not often meet up. I usually make a trip up North at this time of year but I’m leaving it till the New Year given I’ll be hors de combat in December as it were.
I made the call and we swapped news about her and her hubby’s recent visit to see their younger son and his wife in Sydney during late September and on into October
Her other son and family live in London. Both our families being at a distance, although we can go there and back in a day to see our son in Bristol.
When the call ended I went into the kitchen to make a drink, passing through the back lounge where I could see a couple of ears pricked up.
It always reminds me of the “foxy looking gentleman’s ” ears in the illustration in the “Jemimah Puddleduck” story by Beatrix Potter.
The ears in question there being the Fox, lying in wait, if I remember correctly, and the sense of danger they evoked!!
Anyway I think MIH thought I was going to put him back outside, but settled down again when nothing happened.
He left just before lunch, off out into the shrubbery.
He’s like that!
Last night however he had been in since lunchtime and knew we were going to put him out after 8.00pm as he really lives nextdoor and we do not feed him for that reason.
But it took two of us to coax him out from under the dining table where he had gone in protest!
Hence he kept a low profile, except for his ears (!) this morning.
I’m still not 100% but getting there!

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