
For those of you who read my Blip yesterday you will know that I have a horrible red lump on my ear. Although it doesn't bother me, most of the comments we got from all you lovely Blippers suggested that we went to see the vet just to be on the safe side.  So that is what we did.

Apparently I have Histiocytoma. It's quite common in puppies and will probably just go away by itself. However, by the time we visited the vet it was bleeding a little bit. The vet was convinced it was because I'd scratched it but Ann's not so sure?! Before we went to the vets we went for a walk into town. We were walking for more than 2 hours and I was on my lead for the whole of that time so I didn't really have any opportunity to do scratching. Anyway the vet has given me some antibiotics to take for 5 days and if Ann catches me scratching I've got to wear a horrid cone collar.

…............I'm not going to let Ann catch me scratching!!!

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