Once a Wolf

...always a Wolf. After my second dentist visit in the last two days, I had a walkthrough of my old alma mater, Western Oregon University, in Monmouth. This was Western Oregon State College (WOSC), in my times, previously Oregon College of Education (OCE), and way, way back, the Oregon Normal School. Seriously. Normal School. Great memories. The upper left shot is Bellamy Hall, where I had so many classes, some great, life changing really. Top right photo is the student center building, the Neal Werner University Center. Neil Werner was a high school classmate of mine in Roseburg, maybe our class president, and went on to become a dean of students at Western. He died in a motorcycle accident during his tenure, and the school named the center for him. 

I went into the university store, and bought some gear. A former 
student of mine at Central High School, the local HS where I taught for many years, helped me. We had a good talk, even though my mouth was completely numb, and talking difficult, it was a nice re-connection with Western, and Central, and Monmouth. Wolves and Panthers. 

And the best time to see any university campus is in the fall. 

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