Delicate in lilac

Many flowers are wilting under the continued heat of the sun and constant hot winds. Today was hot again, 28C, but at least the wind was more of a gentle breeze, not quite calm that was forecasted but more of a little reprieve.

My laptop is in being serviced, there is a queue - surprise, surprise. Not sure how long it will take and then if they can improve it, could mean a little shopping just as the sales have finished. In the meantime I'm on the little laptop which plays havoc with my eyes being a smaller screen, also my eyes are a little swollen from the winds, so just taking it easy with blip for the time being, probably in very small doses.

The fires mention from yesterday are under control but unfortunately there is damaged to houses and a chicken farm business, all but gone. Because of the earthquakes people haven't been able to get insurance, they are left with nothing, my thoughts are with them all.

The surge along the Waimakariri river was called off but the current was strong.

Another weekend is upon us, enjoy :)

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