
By rachelbruce

Lotta letters

I'm going to try and get outside and see some things because my blips are getting terribly home based; which is quite odd as I actually do a lot of travel and busying around usually.

Today I went through some old bags of stuff to sort them out and there was a huge plastic sack of letters. Most of these were received in my late teens and early twenties so they are full of angst, bad poetry and what must've been considered alternative humour; however there is a lot of love and good wishes too. The Sarah Kay card is my 9th birthday card from my then best friend Joanne; I can't believe I kept it?! One of the letters, on the computer paper, is the first ever word processed letter I received. Anyway it did make me think about how lovely letters are. It was really quite exciting in the days before mass use of emails and mobile phones. It was great when you were away at university or travelling and you got your post, sometimes it was really disappointing but it was like a roller coaster of communication and I really used to appreciate getting letters. I used to write loads too; I think I was probably better at communicating via letter than email. I guess a lot of the time it was a letter or the phone box; when I was a student our home telephone was incoming calls only.

I decided I had better blip this as I have been stuck indoors but it was quite difficult to get it so it didn't reveal too much...god some of the things that get written in letters in your late teens/early twenties! Yes I have wasted too much time reading them!

(The caption on the postcard is " Are your Loved Ones from Outer Space?" - you can read it fully on the photograph but not after it was uploaded to blip. I thought it was funny when I received it in 1989 but it doesn't seem at all funny now...time.)

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