The Little Lyle Files

By kevinwatters

This Old Heart of Mine

Mrs W bought this for me a few years ago (in Edinburgh as I recall - I'm sure I'll be corrected soon if I've got it wrong) and in all probability she thinks that I have forgotten that it exists. There is in fact a possibility that she made it look like a romantic gesture but bought it to make a symbolic point that I had a wooden heart (she says I'm not romantic).

The truth is that this heart comes to work with me on a daily basis and when I have to travel away from home without her it comes with me, so has been up and down the country on a regular basis for the past few years.

I might not be romantic but at least I can be a bit soppy for me missus.

Talking of soppy for the missus, the title of this blip is taken from a song by Rod Stewart, the lyrics of which are not particularly relevant, just the title. But did you know that Rod Stewart is 68 years old today? I'm reading his autobiography at the moment and can recommend it to anyone who might be considering. A very frank review of his existence written in the style of a man who knows that he has lived a privileged life but takes none of it for granted.

This Old Heart of Mine - Rod Stewart version (1989)

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