Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

You probably never wanted to know this but...

In 1966 I discovered that there was a motor dealers guide that listed all the registrations issued by the various authorities since 1929 and I wanted a copy. Obviously pre-internet and many published books, there was no way to research my hobby of identifying buses and their previous owners so this document was essential.

Prior to having this reference one of the best ways to identify old buses was to crawl all around one looking for clues.  Fairgrounds were a massive source of old buses and whilst others were squealing on the Waltzer or shrieking on the Shuggy Boats I could often be found lying in the grass looking under old buses for paint colour clues or squinting along the sides against the sunlight to make out the indentation of old fleet name transfers.  This guide changed all that.

I borrowed mine from a Ford motor dealer in Consett.  You couldn't buy a copy if you weren't 'trade' and I couldn't have afforded one anyway.  Another friend, the print manager at the university photocopied it for me and I returned it to it's rightful owner.

Then, horror upon horrors, one day, years later,  I noticed that page 124 (of 194) hadn't been copied.  I've needed that page a few times and now 43 years later I have been given a photocopy of it.  A casual comment by an owner of a volume on a website led me to make contact and this page was emailed to me today.  There are no more than a handful of these guides left in existence (there's a surprise) so finding an  owner was most fortuitous.

And here it is, my Blip of Page 124.   You lucky people.

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